Course Catalog
JPL ESD Control Auditor
This course is generally offered once a quarter for both initial certification and recertification.
The pre-requiste for this course is certification in "Electrostatic Discharge - ESD Control". The "ESD Control Auditor" course is intended for Quality Assurance Engineers, Inspectors and PQA Auditors who will perform ESD audits at JPL, CalTech or supplier facilities. The ESD Control Auditor class is generally offered once per quarter.
The course consists of a four-hour class in a group environment limited to six people and a subsequent "field demonstration of proficiency" under the one-on-one supervision of the ESD Control Engineer or his representative. The field demonstration will be scheduled separately in conjunction with an actual ESD audit. The classroom curriculum includes:
- ESD Control Management
- Documentation (procedures, records, survey logs, nonconforming items, etc.)
- Facilities (auditing to ESD Control Survey Report, form JPL-2731 or equivalent)
- Training
- Inspections
- Packaging
- Materials and Equipmen
Each student will receive "ESD Control Auditor" certification upon:
- Obtaining a minimum score of 90% on the certification test.
- Successful completion of the field demonstration of proficiency.
ESD Control Auditor Certification is valid for two years.